Before we dig right into the juicy details, some may say, “Hold up! what is meal planning in the 1st place?”
Well meal planning is answering the question of “what’s for lunch or dinner?” once for the next 7 days out of a week, instead of each day arbitrarily shopping for and preparing the ingredients right before cooking. There is a simplistic approach when you plan ahead and lets’ now get right to it!
1st look at the best foods that agree with your body type and food sensitivity.
2- Plan your menu of meals and recipes if needed, from this foundation.
3- Make a shopping list and then go purchase.
4- Prep those ingredients.
Start early at least 2 days before the full week begins to initiate your plan. It is most wise to ‘step up to the plate’ pun intended to put into practice your steps over the weekend.
Plan on Friday, shop by Saturday and then using your time on Sunday to gather and prepare your meals.
However, Meal planning should not be so egregious and tedious that you become stressed about what should be lightening up your load. It should be in some ways transformational but also in many ways still fun.
Enjoy favorite types of cuisine but with a healthier twist!
Also, Meal planning should not be so complicated you have pages and pages of ideas that are overwhelmingly not implemented. Note to the teachable: “Stay simple” my friends. Utilize google, post-it’s on a fridge and/or utilize apps in your smartphone where you know you will pay attention to it and or revisit it.
Additionally, meal planning does not have to be toally home cooked all the time. There are some times you can order a healthy takeout, enjoy tasty leftovers and the like.
Furthermore, meal planning it does not have to be expensive. Moreso than not, when done correctly, this practice will save you money. I assure of you of this!
Finally, it may seem like some work in the beginning but the more your stick to it you will find your rhythm!
In summary though you are planning in advance you can still be flexible. There’s so much room for toying with new ideas in recipes, substitutions, and personalizing meal planning. It’s not something that is unchangeable.
Decide how many meals to plan for and what they need to do.
Utilize a calendar.
Maximize the types of utensils in your kitchen that require less oversight from you. Air Fryers, Ninja Grills, and slow cookers if you are really busy to assist and make sure it happens.
You can do this! Hopefully this inspires you that you can begin again with meal-prep. Let’s go!